actor:Amy Adams,Patrick Dempsey,James Marsden

genre:Love story Comedy Animated
Fantasy Musical Comedy
the date of release:November 21,2007 (USA)
March 14、2008(JAPAN)
the director:Kevin Lima
film company:Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
running time:107 min
This movie is interesting and moved me.
It made animation and live action so it was easy to watch.
I like this story very much. I think this story is great.
2,The Mummy Returns

actor:Brendan Fraser,Rachel Weisz,John Hannah
the date of release:May 4 ,2001(USA) June 9,2001(JAPAN)
the director:Stephen sommers
film company:Universal Pictures
running time:130 min
This movie’s action scene and story were excited me.
I felt the importance of cooperation with my familes, my friends.
Because I want you watch this movie.
3,Legally Blonde
actor:Reese Witherspoon,Luke Wilson

the date of release:July 13,2001(USA) April 27,2002(JAPAN)
the director:Robert Luketic
running time:96 min
This movie is very cute story.
The main character was very very cute and positive.
I watched she work hard to be a lower and to get back at last boyfriend,
so I thought I should do my best everything.
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